The Neviweb app is designed to make your life easier. A good app should be so easy to use that you don't have to spend more than a few minutes a month on it (unless you want to admire its design...). Here are some of our favourite hacks and shortcuts that you can find today in Neviweb.
All your smart devices in a single app
First, we can’t overlook the fact that you can control all your heating, lighting, water damage protection and electrical load control devices – small and large – in a single app will make your smart home management more efficient. Every year, Sinopé Technologies unveils at least two new Sinopé brand products while continuing to support the existing ecosystem. No other platform offers as many tailored features for as many products in one app, which in itself is a great shortcut.
The Favourites
When opening the Neviweb application, the home screen is displayed. This view presents, by default, the tools, including the consumption graphs, the automations, the Éco Sinopé feature and the activation of connected platforms.
However, you could choose to access your devices individually from this home screen rather than going to the devices' screen.
If you have many devices, you can select the ones you use the most and add them to your favourites.
You can also add all your devices to your favourites and thus access them in one less step.
The scenes can also be added to your ‘’favourites’’ section on the app's home screen.
Do you want to optimize the way you access your devices or scenes? We show you here how to add them to your favourites.

Change location in a breeze
It is possible to control several locations in the Neviweb application to control smart devices in your home, cottage or holiday residence. You can thus have a single account with a separate permission system for each place.
There are conventional methods that exist for changing locations, including accessing the list of locations from the drop-down menu in the app.
However, it is now possible to quickly switch from one location to another using the side arrows on either side of the chosen location icon.
Group your automations
This new feature was praised elsewhere on the blog, but this option, which greatly optimizes automations management, deserves to be highlighted here, too.
You can create an unlimited number of automations. These can accomplish so many actions generated by a great variety of triggers that a location could easily have more than a hundred automations.
In addition, since automations can be deactivated and then reactivated according to the user’s needs, it is beneficial to create specific automations that will only be used once a year, such as in a holiday or party context.
Therefore, in such a context, it is also beneficial to group them to find them quickly and activate them when the time comes.
Here's how to group your automations. By using the option of deactivating and grouping automations, you will never have to create new ones again.
Lastly, some smart devices can change use throughout the year, as is the case of the smart plug that can be used to control the coffee maker for a part of the year and the Christmas tree lights when it is needed. You will be pleasantly surprised to learn that even if you plug and unplug this outlet, it will automatically resume its programming, such as automations, that you had previously created in Neviweb simply by reactivating them.

Press and hold to reveal actions
The Neviweb app is packed with "hidden" shortcuts that reveal themselves with a long button press.
This is the case for all devices that are used to switch loads on or off, such as light switches, dimmers or load controllers.
When you briefly press the buttons of these devices in the Neviweb application, you access the product's detailed view and control options. However, pressing and holding the button will allow you to turn on the light or appliance controlled by the Sinopé smart device. In the case of a dimmer, the light will turn on at the last percentage selected.
All away actions are in one place
If you activated the geofencing feature but can’t remember your away setpoints: don’t panic. The settings related to the away mode are now grouped in the location. Here's how to access them all at once.
If you have Wi-Fi devices, these will be listed in the “Away mode settings” section, and you will be able to even modify the away instructions from this screen in a single step.
If you have Zigbee devices in your account, you'll see the away automations and can add more from the ‘’Edit location’’ screen.

The conclusion
The Neviweb app is updated monthly, and new features are continuously implemented to improve the user experience. Sinopé Technologies is dedicated to providing users of smart devices with a smart home in their image that allows them to spend more time enjoying life and less time using their app.
Our team notes the suggestions from users and submits them for consideration by the platform development team. Would you like to suggest some shortcuts? Share them with us in the comments! 👇
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