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Tiny and cute, they can hide everywhere. Just like their name implies, the Sinopé smart detectors track down water leaks. They are the first responders in your home. They send a signal to the valve to close the main water inlet and send you an SMS or email alert to confirm that everything is under control. 

As a bonus, they emit an audible alarm. 

They're watching over your home, ready to warn you as soon as a leak occurs. Can you guess where these detectors have been "hidden"?

Looking for leaks under the dishwasher


The Smart Water Leak Detector with Sensor WL4210S is fantastic for all those hard-to-reach places like under the dishwasher! In this case, the homeowners made a clever move by drilling a small hole at the back of the sink cabinet adjacent to the dishwasher. They slipped the captor with the detection electrodes under their appliance to catch any leak as soon as it appeared.

To maintain easy access to the detector, the users simply attached the detector housing to the cabinet using the 3M double-sided tape already present on the product.

Hands up: you're surrounded!

Water damages are thieves: they steal your precious memories and belongings by damaging them with water. Well, that will no longer be the case thanks to the  Water Leak Detector with Perimeter Cable WL4210C. This detector provides a 7-feet detection surface to circle any appliance such as a water heater like in the image above. It can detect water no matter from which side it appears. The perimeter cable is attached to the ground using the adhesive ties supplied with the product.

Other great uses for the perimeter cable
Some people use the 7-feet perimeter cable to run along the wall. Others will have the cable zigzag on the ground to maximize the contact surface. Another amazing feature about this product is that users can plug the cables end-to-end to increase the protected area. All cables plugged in one another would be connected to the same detection case.


A water leak detector under the vanity


The Smart Water Leak Detector WL4200 is the utmost must to place under the kitchen sink or in the vanity of every bathroom in the house. In those locations, it can take time to notice leaking plumbing, especially with all the clustered cleaning products hiding that water puddle that is taking shape. And since the WL4200 Smart Water Leak Detector is the most compact and budget-friendly of all, no one should do without it.

Clever move with the floor heating

The detection electrodes pick up any conductive liquid, whether it is water... or glycol. This clever homeowner made sure to prevent any incident by attaching to the wall a WL4210S Smart Water Leak Detector. The captor runs down the wall and under the pipes that supply the floor heating.  

Because the detector is there to sense glycol and not water, there's no reason to trigger the Sedna valve that would close the main water inlet. The Neviweb app, however, allows the user to receive SMS or email alerts. The homeowner will then receive a leak notification and will know right away from where it comes from. 


Using the WL4210S model was the right move here since the detector's box remains reachable. Therefore, it will be easy to change the two AAA batteries when the time comes, once every ten years with lithium batteries or every five years with regular alkaline batteries. Moreover, the detector is waterproof, and its electrodes are gold-plated to counter oxidation. In essence, neither humidity nor its contact with glycol will damage the product.

Twice the protection in the mechanical room


At the basement level, in the mechanical room, there are often water access points everywhere. If you're lucky and that your floor is made of cement and that nothing is stored directly on the floor, the damages might be minor. However, it's nearly never the case. Plus, unless you regularly visit the mechanical room, it may take time before you notice water damage. 

For total and complete peace of mind, the idea is to place water leak detectors near any place where tubing or plumbing is visible. Hence, this will help detect leaks quickly and efficiently. 

In the above photos, the WL4200 Smart Water Leak Detector was used. The one equipped with a perimeter cable could be useful in this situation too.

The flow sensor: a must-have

The FS4220 Flow Sensor is an accessory that you would install on the main water inlet at the same time as the Sedna Valve. 

This accessory is a must because it allows you to detect "invisible" leaks in walls or the ceiling. Other water leak detectors cannot pick these up since they will only be visible when they have caused considerable damage.

Like other Sinopé water leak detectors, the FS4220 Flow Sensor can notify the valve to close the main water inlet. It will also generate an email or text message alert.

Another convenient aspect of this product is that it allows you to generate graphs for your water consumption, valuable information if you are charged for water use. It's also a great way to monitor consumption and see how much water you use for showers or when using the washing machine or dishwasher.


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